Module hub.core.chunk_engine.write

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import numpy as np
import pickle
from uuid import uuid1

from hub.core.chunk_engine import generate_chunks
from hub.constants import META_FILENAME, DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE

from hub.core.typing import StorageProvider
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Tuple

from .flatten import row_wise_to_bytes

from hub.util.keys import get_meta_key, get_index_map_key, get_chunk_key
from hub.util.array import normalize_and_batchify_shape

def write_tensor_meta(key: str, storage: StorageProvider, meta: dict):
    storage[get_meta_key(key)] = pickle.dumps(meta)

def write_dataset_meta(storage: StorageProvider, meta: dict):
    storage[META_FILENAME] = pickle.dumps(meta)

def write_array(
    array: np.ndarray,
    key: str,
    storage: StorageProvider,
    chunk_size: int = DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE,
    batched: bool = False,
    tobytes: Callable[[np.ndarray], bytes] = row_wise_to_bytes,
    """Chunk and write an array to storage.

    For more on chunking, see the `generate_chunks` method.

        array (np.ndarray): Array to be chunked/written. Batch axis (`array.shape[0]`) is optional, if `array` does have a
            batch dimension, you should pass the argument `batched=True`.
        key (str): Key for where the chunks, index_map, and meta will be located in `storage` relative to it's root.
        storage (StorageProvider): StorageProvider for storing the chunks, index_map, and meta.
        chunk_size (int): Desired length of each chunk.
        batched (bool): If True, the provied `array`'s first axis (`shape[0]`) will be considered it's batch axis.
            If False, a new axis will be created with a size of 1 (`array.shape[0] == 1`). default=False
        tobytes (Callable): Callable that flattens an array into bytes. Must accept an `np.ndarray` as it's argument and return `bytes`.

        NotImplementedError: Do not use this function for writing to a key that already exists.

    array = normalize_and_batchify_shape(array, batched=batched)

    meta_key = get_meta_key(key)
    index_map_key = get_index_map_key(key)
    if meta_key in storage or index_map_key in storage:
        # TODO: when appending is done change this error
        raise NotImplementedError("Appending is not supported yet.")

    index_map: List[dict] = []
    meta = {
        "chunk_size": chunk_size,
        "length": array.shape[0],
        "min_shape": array.shape[1:],
        "max_shape": array.shape[1:],

    for i in range(array.shape[0]):
        sample = array[i]
        b = tobytes(sample)

        index_map_entry = write_bytes(b, key, chunk_size, storage, index_map)

        # shape per sample for dynamic tensors (TODO: if strictly fixed-size, store this in meta)
        index_map_entry["shape"] = sample.shape

    # TODO: don't use pickle
    write_tensor_meta(key, storage, meta)
    storage[index_map_key] = pickle.dumps(index_map)

def write_bytes(
    b: bytes, key: str, chunk_size: int, storage: StorageProvider, index_map: List[dict]
) -> dict:
    """For internal use only. Chunk and write bytes to storage and return the index_map entry.
    The provided bytes are treated as a single sample.

        b (bytes): Bytes to be chunked/written. `b` is considered to be 1 sample and will be chunked according
            to `chunk_size`.
        key (str): Key for where the index_map, and meta are located in `storage` relative to it's root. A subdirectory
            is created under this `key` (defined in ``), which is where the chunks will be stored.
        chunk_size (int): Desired length of each chunk.
        storage (StorageProvider): StorageProvider for storing the chunks, index_map, and meta.
        index_map (list): List of dictionaries that represent each sample. An entry for `index_map` is returned
            but not appended to `index_map`.

        dict: Index map entry (note: it does not get appended to the `index_map` argument). Dictionary keys:
            chunk_names: Sequential list of names of chunks that were created.
            start_byte: Start byte for this sample. Will be 0 if no previous chunks exist, otherwise will
                be set to the length of the last chunk before writing.
            end_byte: End byte for this sample. Will be equal to the length of the last chunk written to.

    last_chunk_name, last_chunk = _get_last_chunk(key, index_map, storage)

    bllc = 0
    extend_last_chunk = False
    if len(index_map) > 0 and len(last_chunk) < chunk_size:
        bllc = chunk_size - len(last_chunk)
        extend_last_chunk = True

    chunk_generator = generate_chunks(b, chunk_size, bytes_left_in_last_chunk=bllc)

    chunk_names = []
    start_byte = 0
    for chunk in chunk_generator:
        if extend_last_chunk:
            chunk_name = last_chunk_name
            last_chunk_bytearray = bytearray(last_chunk)
            chunk = bytes(last_chunk_bytearray)
            start_byte = index_map[-1]["end_byte"]

            if len(chunk) >= chunk_size:
                extend_last_chunk = False
            chunk_name = _random_chunk_name()

        end_byte = len(chunk)

        chunk_key = get_chunk_key(key, chunk_name)
        storage[chunk_key] = chunk


        last_chunk = chunk
        last_chunk_name = chunk_name

    # TODO: encode index_map_entry as array instead of dictionary
    # TODO: encode shape into the sample's bytes instead of index_map
    index_map_entry = {
        "chunk_names": chunk_names,
        "start_byte": start_byte,
        "end_byte": end_byte,

    return index_map_entry

def _get_last_chunk(
    key: str, index_map: List[dict], storage: StorageProvider
) -> Tuple[str, bytes]:
    """For internal use only. Retrieves the name and bytes for the last chunk.

        key (str): Key for where the chunks are located in `storage` relative to it's root.
        index_map (list): List of dictionaries that maps each sample to the `chunk_names`, `start_byte`, and `end_byte`.
        storage (StorageProvider): StorageProvider where the chunks are stored.

        str: Name of the last chunk. If the last chunk doesn't exist, returns an empty string.
        bytes: Content of the last chunk. If the last chunk doesn't exist, returns empty bytes.

    last_chunk_name = ""
    last_chunk = bytes()
    if len(index_map) > 0:
        last_index_map_entry = index_map[-1]
        last_chunk_name = last_index_map_entry["chunk_names"][-1]
        last_chunk_key = get_chunk_key(key, last_chunk_name)
        last_chunk = storage[last_chunk_key]
    return last_chunk_name, last_chunk

def _random_chunk_name() -> str:
    return str(uuid1())


def write_array(array: numpy.ndarray, key: str, storage: StorageProvider, chunk_size: int = 16000000, batched: bool = False, tobytes: Callable[[numpy.ndarray], bytes] = <function row_wise_to_bytes>)

Chunk and write an array to storage.

For more on chunking, see the generate_chunks method.


array : np.ndarray
Array to be chunked/written. Batch axis (array.shape[0]) is optional, if array does have a batch dimension, you should pass the argument batched=True.
key : str
Key for where the chunks, index_map, and meta will be located in storage relative to it's root.
storage : StorageProvider
StorageProvider for storing the chunks, index_map, and meta.
chunk_size : int
Desired length of each chunk.
batched : bool
If True, the provied array's first axis (shape[0]) will be considered it's batch axis. If False, a new axis will be created with a size of 1 (array.shape[0] == 1). default=False
tobytes : Callable
Callable that flattens an array into bytes. Must accept an np.ndarray as it's argument and return bytes.


Do not use this function for writing to a key that already exists.
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def write_array(
    array: np.ndarray,
    key: str,
    storage: StorageProvider,
    chunk_size: int = DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE,
    batched: bool = False,
    tobytes: Callable[[np.ndarray], bytes] = row_wise_to_bytes,
    """Chunk and write an array to storage.

    For more on chunking, see the `generate_chunks` method.

        array (np.ndarray): Array to be chunked/written. Batch axis (`array.shape[0]`) is optional, if `array` does have a
            batch dimension, you should pass the argument `batched=True`.
        key (str): Key for where the chunks, index_map, and meta will be located in `storage` relative to it's root.
        storage (StorageProvider): StorageProvider for storing the chunks, index_map, and meta.
        chunk_size (int): Desired length of each chunk.
        batched (bool): If True, the provied `array`'s first axis (`shape[0]`) will be considered it's batch axis.
            If False, a new axis will be created with a size of 1 (`array.shape[0] == 1`). default=False
        tobytes (Callable): Callable that flattens an array into bytes. Must accept an `np.ndarray` as it's argument and return `bytes`.

        NotImplementedError: Do not use this function for writing to a key that already exists.

    array = normalize_and_batchify_shape(array, batched=batched)

    meta_key = get_meta_key(key)
    index_map_key = get_index_map_key(key)
    if meta_key in storage or index_map_key in storage:
        # TODO: when appending is done change this error
        raise NotImplementedError("Appending is not supported yet.")

    index_map: List[dict] = []
    meta = {
        "chunk_size": chunk_size,
        "length": array.shape[0],
        "min_shape": array.shape[1:],
        "max_shape": array.shape[1:],

    for i in range(array.shape[0]):
        sample = array[i]
        b = tobytes(sample)

        index_map_entry = write_bytes(b, key, chunk_size, storage, index_map)

        # shape per sample for dynamic tensors (TODO: if strictly fixed-size, store this in meta)
        index_map_entry["shape"] = sample.shape

    # TODO: don't use pickle
    write_tensor_meta(key, storage, meta)
    storage[index_map_key] = pickle.dumps(index_map)
def write_bytes(b: bytes, key: str, chunk_size: int, storage: StorageProvider, index_map: List[dict]) ‑> dict

For internal use only. Chunk and write bytes to storage and return the index_map entry. The provided bytes are treated as a single sample.


b : bytes
Bytes to be chunked/written. b is considered to be 1 sample and will be chunked according to chunk_size.
key : str
Key for where the index_map, and meta are located in storage relative to it's root. A subdirectory is created under this key (defined in, which is where the chunks will be stored.
chunk_size : int
Desired length of each chunk.
storage : StorageProvider
StorageProvider for storing the chunks, index_map, and meta.
index_map : list
List of dictionaries that represent each sample. An entry for index_map is returned but not appended to index_map.


Index map entry (note: it does not get appended to the index_map argument). Dictionary keys: chunk_names: Sequential list of names of chunks that were created. start_byte: Start byte for this sample. Will be 0 if no previous chunks exist, otherwise will be set to the length of the last chunk before writing. end_byte: End byte for this sample. Will be equal to the length of the last chunk written to.
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def write_bytes(
    b: bytes, key: str, chunk_size: int, storage: StorageProvider, index_map: List[dict]
) -> dict:
    """For internal use only. Chunk and write bytes to storage and return the index_map entry.
    The provided bytes are treated as a single sample.

        b (bytes): Bytes to be chunked/written. `b` is considered to be 1 sample and will be chunked according
            to `chunk_size`.
        key (str): Key for where the index_map, and meta are located in `storage` relative to it's root. A subdirectory
            is created under this `key` (defined in ``), which is where the chunks will be stored.
        chunk_size (int): Desired length of each chunk.
        storage (StorageProvider): StorageProvider for storing the chunks, index_map, and meta.
        index_map (list): List of dictionaries that represent each sample. An entry for `index_map` is returned
            but not appended to `index_map`.

        dict: Index map entry (note: it does not get appended to the `index_map` argument). Dictionary keys:
            chunk_names: Sequential list of names of chunks that were created.
            start_byte: Start byte for this sample. Will be 0 if no previous chunks exist, otherwise will
                be set to the length of the last chunk before writing.
            end_byte: End byte for this sample. Will be equal to the length of the last chunk written to.

    last_chunk_name, last_chunk = _get_last_chunk(key, index_map, storage)

    bllc = 0
    extend_last_chunk = False
    if len(index_map) > 0 and len(last_chunk) < chunk_size:
        bllc = chunk_size - len(last_chunk)
        extend_last_chunk = True

    chunk_generator = generate_chunks(b, chunk_size, bytes_left_in_last_chunk=bllc)

    chunk_names = []
    start_byte = 0
    for chunk in chunk_generator:
        if extend_last_chunk:
            chunk_name = last_chunk_name
            last_chunk_bytearray = bytearray(last_chunk)
            chunk = bytes(last_chunk_bytearray)
            start_byte = index_map[-1]["end_byte"]

            if len(chunk) >= chunk_size:
                extend_last_chunk = False
            chunk_name = _random_chunk_name()

        end_byte = len(chunk)

        chunk_key = get_chunk_key(key, chunk_name)
        storage[chunk_key] = chunk


        last_chunk = chunk
        last_chunk_name = chunk_name

    # TODO: encode index_map_entry as array instead of dictionary
    # TODO: encode shape into the sample's bytes instead of index_map
    index_map_entry = {
        "chunk_names": chunk_names,
        "start_byte": start_byte,
        "end_byte": end_byte,

    return index_map_entry
def write_dataset_meta(storage: StorageProvider, meta: dict)
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def write_dataset_meta(storage: StorageProvider, meta: dict):
    storage[META_FILENAME] = pickle.dumps(meta)
def write_tensor_meta(key: str, storage: StorageProvider, meta: dict)
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def write_tensor_meta(key: str, storage: StorageProvider, meta: dict):
    storage[get_meta_key(key)] = pickle.dumps(meta)